NAAG Urges Congress to Pass Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act

Washington, D.C. — NAAG sent a letter to Congress calling for the passage of S.3607, the Safeguarding America’s First Responders (SAFR) Act. The SAFR Act would permit the families of first responders who die or are permanently and totally disabled as a result of COVID-19 to receive the same federal benefits extended to first responders, or their…

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State Action Immunity Update

The state action immunity doctrine is an important protection for state regulatory boards and other non-state entities.

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Compliance Monitoring and State Attorney General Investigations: Issues in Appointment and Operation

With increasing use of compliance monitors by state attorneys general and federal law enforcement in corporate settlement agreements, this article describes the significant advantages that monitors provide in enforcing complex injunctive relief and overseeing systemic corporate changes, and discusses key practices and standards to consider in selecting monitors and defining their roles.

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Litigation, Legislation and Policy – Two Years of Reaction to NC Dental

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners v. FTC has now been on the books for two years, and the time seems ripe for an update on litigation, legislation, and advocacy that address the exception from application of federal antitrust laws known as state action immunity.

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