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Start: October 13

End: October 14

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Omaha, Nebraska
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October 13 – 14, 20212
Omaha, Nebraska
Hosted by Center for Legal Advocacy and Faculty Development

E-discovery & Negotiation Skills is a learn-by-doing skills program focusing on enhancing the abilities needed to effectively understand and negotiate electronic discovery issues through a series of presentations and performances across a two-day session.

Participants will receive an in-depth review of the E-discovery process and learn how to work with opposing counsel to advance the interest of the attorneys’ clients. They will then have the opportunity to engage in mock meet-and-confer and case management conferences based on a fictional case under the guidance of experienced practitioners. Lectures and discussions on topics relevant to how to successfully negotiate will supplement participant performances.  There will also be an online lesson and pre-work in preparation for the live sessions.  Participation in the online lesson and pre-work is critical.  Participants should prepare to devote up to 5 hours for the online lesson and pre-work.

This training is a closed session for attorneys general and attorney general staff only. NAGTRI will apply for CLE for attendees eligible under CLE accrediting body guidelines.

The course will start on October 20 at 8:30 a.m. ET and conclude on October 21 at approximately 3:30 p.m. ET.

Scholarship Nominations

Nominations will be due by Monday, August 29.

NAGTRI will provide a limited number of scholarships to selected participants to participate in the training. Offices are not guaranteed a slot, though NAGTRI makes every effort to accept nominees from as many attorney general offices as possible. Please contact Maria Humayun at mhumayun@naag.org if you have any questions.

Contact your nominator: If you are interested in attending this conference, click the button below and follow the instructions to contact your office’s NAAG Nominator and submit your interest.

Express Your Interest

CLE Credit

NAGTRI will apply for CLE for attendees eligible under CLE accrediting body guidelines.

Accessible Event Planning

Complete the Accessibility Request Form if you request accommodations for this event.