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Date: October 30

Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (EST)

Event Category


Ayo Odetola



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Charitable organizations hold and distribute assets for public benefit, playing a vital role in our economy and in people’s lives in general. Unfortunately, some charities lack sufficient internal controls. State statutory and common law grants attorneys general oversight authority of charitable organizations and assets, including the authority to investigate misappropriation of charitable funds, breaches of fiduciary duty by directors and officers, and fraud in charitable solicitation, as well as oversight of conflicts and related-party transactions. In this webinar, learn more about how to evaluate an entity’s efficacy in achieving accurate and reliable financial reporting, operational efficiency, legal compliance, and accountability.


  • Kelly S. Mathews, New York Council of Nonprofits

Registration Deadline: October 30, 2024, 2:30 p.m. ET

This free virtual training is a closed session for attorneys general, attorney general staff, and charity regulators only.

Continuing Legal Education (CLE)

For attendees participating in the live virtual event, NAAG will apply for CLE per accrediting body guidelines upon request. After the webinar concludes, please complete the CLE Request Form.

Accessibility Planning

If you identify as a person with a disability and would like to request reasonable accommodations for this event, please complete the Accessibility Request Form