NAAG Core Leadership Competencies for First Line & Mid-Level Managers Training

Marriott Albuquerque 2101 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque,, NM, United States

This course establishes the leadership development groundwork for new to mid-level managers, including attorneys, investigators, and administrative personnel. This course is not limited to attorneys. Any attorney general office manager is welcome. Drawing upon case studies, colleague experiences, short lectures, group discussions, and self-assessments, the program applies leadership principles and practices to real, everyday issues.  …

2023 National Center on Forensics Conference

GMU Science and Technology Campus 10900 University Blvd, Manassas, VA

SCHOLARSHIPS OPEN 2023 National Center on Forensics Conference George Mason University (GMU) and their National Center on Forensics (NCF) partners, the National Association of Attorneys General, the American Society for Clinical Pathology, and the Montana Forensic Science Division will be co-hosting this comprehensive 4-day forensic science training. The agenda of the conference will address the…

Navigating Section 1983 Litigation: Insights and Guidance for State Attorneys General

Chicago, Illinois

This national training is designed to provide state attorneys general with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively defend against Section 1983 civil rights claims. Participants will learn about the key elements of Section 1983 claims and gain an understanding of the various defenses and immunities available to defendants in these cases. In addition, the…

Masterclass Professional | Ethics and Social Media

In this paralegal masterclass, we will explore the intersection of technology and ethical obligations through the examination of select cases. This class will be about viewing ethical obligations through a practical lens as employees in State Government. SPEAKER Geoffrey R. Gersten, Deputy Attorney General, New Jersey Attorney General's Office REGISTRATION This free virtual training is…

2023 NAAG PIO Seminar

The Nines 525 SW Morrison Street, Portland, OR, United States

DESCRIPTION This program is designed for communication professionals in attorney general offices. The program has been designed by your peers across the country, and panelists are volunteers from the state attorney general community. The seminar brings colleagues from across the country together to share valuable insights and perspectives on communication strategies, tools and the unique…

E-Discovery Trends & Updates for State Attorneys General

Join us for an engaging and informative webinar tailored specifically for state attorney general audiences, where we will explore the latest trends and updates in the ever-evolving field of E-Discovery. This webinar will offer valuable insights into the critical aspects of electronic discovery and its impact on legal proceedings. Topics Include: Recent advancements in E-Discovery…

Veteran Treatment Courts: Assisting Those Who Served

Many men and women who have served our country have suffered injuries and adversity, including PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and socio-economic challenges upon transition to civilian life. Veteran treatment courts are designed to assist veterans through coordinating efforts of the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, probation, law enforcement, and social service agencies. Veteran treatment courts help…

NAAG State Solicitors General & Appellate Chiefs Conference

The Madison Hotel 1177 15th St NW, Washington, DC, United States

The conference will provide a forum in which state solicitors general and appellate chiefs can exchange ideas and obtain information that will help improve each state’s appellate practice. SPEAKERS Elizabeth Prelogar, Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice Eric Feigin, Deputy Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice Hon. Nels Peterson, Presiding Justice, Georgia Supreme Court Ross Guberman,…

Anatomy of a Complex Consumer Protection Case

21c Museum Hotel Cincinnati 609 Walnut St., Cincinnati, OH, United States

This training is designed for attorneys that have been practicing for more than a year. This intensive program allows participants to understand and overcome the challenges when enforcing consumer protection laws. The training discusses civil litigation issues but is NOT a trial advocacy course. The program will expose the participants to the wide and varied…

Masterclass Professional | Westlaw for Legal Research

The Westlaw training session will include how to use different search techniques to find what you’re looking for, how to use filters to narrow down large results, understanding the structure of cases and statutes, and whether they’re still good law, and using folders to keep track of and share what you’ve found. SPEAKER Susan J.…

Blockchain/Digital Asset Technology and the Law: What State Attorneys General Should Know

An introduction to the basics of blockchain technology including more advanced recent developments and what state attorney general offices may confront in the next six months. Topics will include: Stablecoins Decentralized autonomous organizations ("DAOs") Blockchain/AI overlap projects such as Worldcoin SPEAKER Michele Neitz, Professor, University of San Francisco School of Law; Founder and Academic Director,…

State Data Privacy Statute Update

Representatives from attorney general offices who have recently passed data privacy laws will share information about their regulatory programs and implementation activities. Moderator Elizabeth Blackston, Assistant Attorney General, Chief, Consumer Fraud Bureau, Southern Region, Illinois Attorney General’s Office Speakers Kelley Walker, Assistant Attorney General, Tennessee Attorney General’s Office Stevie DeGroff, Assistant Attorney General, Colorado Attorney…