NAAG to Congress: Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act

As the legislative history of VAWA has shown, members from both sides of the aisle have come together to strengthen existing protections and fill gaps in the law. We, therefore, urge you to work together as leaders of your respective caucuses and committees to act before VAWA expires and pass a VAWA reauthorization bill that continues to ensure our nation’s most vulnerable victims are not left behind.

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Social Security Administration Should Implement New Database

Consumers in our respective jurisdictions continue to contact us about the growing problem of identity fraud. The fraud comes in various forms and causes various harms, including monetary loss, damage to credit score, and detriment to personal security. As both law enforcement officials and advisors to government agencies, we know the challenges of keeping government systems a step ahead of fraudulent actors. Although the challenge may be great, we urge you to prioritize making your systems as nimble and strong as possible to combat this growing problem.

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AGs Urge Health Insurance Companies to Reduce Provider Incentives for Prescribing Pain Killers

The undersigned State Attorneys General are urging America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) to take proactive steps to encourage your members to review their payment and coverage policies and revise them, as necessary and appropriate, to encourage healthcare providers to prioritize non-opioid pain management options over opioid prescriptions for the treatment of chronic, non-cancer pain.

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Bipartisan Coalition of 52 Attorneys General Send USTelecom Letter Outlining Plan to Strengthen Illegal Robocall Enforcement

This letter marks approximately eight months since fifty-one state attorneys general and twelve leading voice service providers (“VSPs”) promulgated the Anti-Robocall Principles (“Principles”) in order to more effectively combat the unwanted and illegal robocalls inundating the American people. The collaboration reflected in the Principles is intended to halt the onslaught of such calls and to “aid the State Attorneys General in identifying and prosecuting illegal robocallers.” The state attorneys general and telecom industry participants also supported efforts by the U.S. Congress to enact the TRACED Act, which focuses on tracing illegal robocalls in addition to other sweeping anti-robocall measures.

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