NAAG Supports Daniel’s Law
The Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act honors the memory of the son of Judge Esther Salas of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. Daniel was tragically killed on July 19, 2020, when an armed assailant—a deranged attorney who had appeared in a case before Judge Salas—appeared at her home and opened fire. Daniel was only 20. Judge Salas’s husband was also shot in the attack.
NAAG Urges Congress to Extend CARES Act Spending Deadline
With COVID-19 cases rising daily in much of the country and many states still under a health emergency declaration, we urge Congress to amend the CRF program to allow state and local governments to spend the funding at least until December 31, 2021.
NAAG Urges Congress to Pass Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act
This legislation ensures that families of officers and first responders lost while fighting the pandemic do not face unnecessary barriers to benefits they have already been promised.
NAAG Works to Expose Illegal Robocallers
State Attorneys General have long been leaders in the fight against illegal robocallers and their assault on the American people’s privacy.
Attorneys General Ask Apple and Google to Ensure All Contact Tracing Apps Serve a Public Health Purpose
Digital contact tracing may provide a valuable tool to understand the spread of COVID-19 and assist the public health response to the pandemic. However, such technology also poses a risk to consumers’ personally identifiable information, including sensitive health information, that could continue long after the present public health emergency ends.
NAAG Urges U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to Reevaluate Changes to Claims Processing Policy
We urge the VA to postpone any change to this long-standing policy until the VA, VSOs and veterans can have more thorough discussions regarding the VA’s reasons for the change, the implications it will have on VSOs and veterans, and whether there are alternative solutions that do not call for complete elimination of this critical quality review.
NAAG Endorses Edith’s Bill
Throughout the country, attorneys general are fighting senior fraud and abuse. In 2019, several state attorneys general partnered with the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal partners to conduct the largest-ever nationwide elder fraud sweep against perpetrators who had repeatedly targeted seniors, resulting in losses of over $750 million.
Attorneys General Urge Congress to Adopt Key Changes to the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
As state Attorneys General, we are often the administrators of grant funding, through our state compensation programs or otherwise, financed directly from the Fund. In order to ensure the predictability and sustainability of these critical funds, change must be enacted to support our states’ ability to effectively serve victims and survivors of crime for years to come.
NAAG Endorses Stopping Overdoses of Fentanyl Analogues (SOFA) Act
States and localities are on the front line of this crisis and are a large part of winning the battle from both a law enforcement and public health perspective.