Maryland v. Applied Construction, Inc., C.I. No. 29010101 (Cir. Ct. for Baltimore City 1990).
Bid-rigging of six sealed bids for asbestos removal services contracts totaling over $140,000.00.
State of California v. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. et al., No. 2:19-cv-03281 (E.D. Pa. 2019)
California agreed to four settlement agreements with pharmaceutical companies to resolve claims that they entered into collusive “pay-for-delay agreements.â€
The state argued that Teva delayed entry of generic competition through four pay-for-delay agreements that illegally maintained its monopoly over Provigil sales between 2006 and 2012. This resulted in artificially high costs of Provigil for consumers. The state secured $69 million for California and a 10-year injunction prohibiting Teva from entering into pay-for-delay agreements. As part of the $69 million settlement, a $25,250,000 consumer fund will be created for California residents who purchased Provigil, Nuvigil or Modafinil during this time.
The state also argued that Teva, Endo Pharmaceuticals, and Teikoku entered into pay-for-delay agreements regarding Lidoderm, a medical patch to relieve shingles pain. In June 2019, the state settled with Endo Pharmaceuticals, securing an eight-year injunction against further pay-for delay agreements and payment of $760,000. The settlement also included a 20-year injunction against Teikoku, a partner in the production of Lidoderm with Endo.
New York v. Tele-Communications Inc., 1993 WL 527984 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 14, 1993), 1993-2 Trade Cases P 70, 404
Defendant cable system operators, subsidiaries and a satellite cable supplier formed a monopoly in restraint of trade in the delivery of multichannel subscription television programming.
New York v. Julius Nasso Concrete Corp. et al., 1999-2 Trade Cas. ¶72,767; 202 F.3d 82; Nos. 98-9218, 98-9226, 98-9262 (2d Cir. 2000)
New York was successful in its appeal to have trial court decision reversed in concrete construction bid-rigging case
Pennsylvania, et al. v. Milk Industry Management Corp. t/a Balford Farms, et al. Civil Action CV-91-7328 (E.D. Pa. filed November 26, 1991).
Bid-rigging on school milk contracts in City of Philadelphia.
New York v. Upstate Milk Cooperatives, Inc. , No. 93-CV-6479T (W.D.N.Y. 1993)
State of New York sought damages and injunctive relief, alleging that defendant entered into or participated in a conspiracy to rig bids, or to allocate contracts or territories for the supply of milk or milk related products.
In the Matter of Golden Sky Systems, Inc. (Minn. Dist. Ct. Ramsey County).
The Assurance of Discontinuance ended an antitrust investigation into alleged price-fixing by Golden Sky, Inc., a company which marketed and sold satellite receiver equipment and the direct broadcast satellite service known as Direct TV.